Balkan Art Tour - 2019
During the summer of 2019 I conducted a travelogue illustrating my impressions through the Balkans, Baltics, and up towards my Russian homeland. I traveled by train, bus, and autostop through Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia Herzegovina, Serbia, Hungary, Ukraine, Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia; making connections with loving and warm people, researching the years of war-torn history and Christian/Muslim conflict in the region, learning about the rich and peaceful Muslim tradition, and stoking the fire of inspiration through this beautiful land. My extensive travel was made possible by the incredible hospitality of new friends along my path, trading mural work for hostel lodging and camping along the way.
Plein Air Tour - 2018
I got my travel easel as a gift from my good friend Alan and we took off on a plein air tour in 2018. It took us through Ireland, Spain, Italy and Czech Republic. There I continued the journey to Belarus, Russia, then back to Spain and Mexico. All of the paintings were painted in oil and sold or traded along the way to help fund the trip. Alan's super tattoo work and animations can be seen at @alanmurrayart.